Events (302)

  • Shiltz Pass Season 50 NNew

    [Event] Level up your Shiltz Pass by completing daily and season missions in order to unlock rewards! [Important] Event period: From March 20th ~ April 4th (23:59) UTC +7 Additional rewards can be unlocked if you acquire Rare Shiltz Pass and even more rewards if you acquire Legendary Shiltz Pass. [Disclaimer] • Normal rewards can be acquired by leveling up your Shiltz Pass. • Rare and legendary rewards can be unlocked by purchasing the corresponding Shiltz Pass and matching the Shiltz Pass's required level. • Reward will be sent by mail. • Make sure to claim your rewards before the event ends.
    [GM]Incubus 0조회 2025.03.20 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Summon Rate Up Week 47 NNew

    [Event] Now it's your chance to get them, during the event, the pets and costumes displayed in the right side will have a increased rate to be summoned! [Important] • Event period: From March 20th (After maintenance) ~ April 4th UTC +7
    [GM]Incubus 0조회 2025.03.20 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Hot Time 이미지 NNew

    [Event] We will be having Hot Time for 7 Days! What is Hot Time? Its a time limited event that provides benefits~ [Important] • Event period: March 20th (after maintenance) - March 26th 23:59:59 UTC +7 [New] Buff Type: Exp Up 30% Drop Rate Up 30% [Disclaimer] • Exp Up only affects obtained from Bales • Drop Rate Up only affects obtained from Bales
    [GM]Crocco 0조회 2025.03.20 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Everyday Mission Event 이미지 NNew

    [Event] You can get rewards by successfully completing missions everyday! [Important] • Event period: From March 20th (After maintenance) ~ March 26th (23:59) UTC +7
    [GM]Crocco 0조회 2025.03.20 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Weekly Request Mission 이미지 NNew

    [Event] You can get rewards by successfully finishing the Weekly Request missions! [Important] • Event period: From March 20th (After maintenance) ~ March 26th (23:59) UTC +7 [Event Disclaimer] • It is necessary to log in every day, if you will not be able to make progress in the mission. • Changing characters also counts as a log in.
    [GM]Crocco 0조회 2025.03.20 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Stay Online Event 이미지 NNew

    [Event] If you play the game for a specified amount of time everyday, you can claim rewards. [Important] • Event period: From March 20th (After maintenance) ~ March 26th (23:59) UTC +7 • Stay Online 10 minutes - Bale Sandwich (x1). • Stay Online 30 minutes - Bale Hamburger (x1). • Stay Online 60 minutes - Ooparts Summon Ticket (x1). [Event Disclaimer] • Make sure of exchange you rewards on a daily basis, otherwise the possibility of exchange them will be lost.
    [GM]Crocco 0조회 2025.03.20 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • 7 Day Login Event 이미지 NNew

    [Event] Get rewards every day for 7 Days! If you attend every day, you can receive the rewards. [Important] • Event period: From March 20th ~ March 26th (23:59) UTC +7 You can obtain amazing rewards such as: - Day 1: Grape Juice Beverage (x2) - Day 2: Grape Soda (x2) - Day 3: Bale Hamburger (x1) - Day 4: Bale Sandwich (x1) - Day 5: HP Potion (L) (x150) - Day 6: MP Potion (L) (x150) - Day 7: Small Pet's Heart (x5) [Disclaimer] • Login rewards can be claimed by adventurers who log in every day. • If you miss one day, you will not be able to claim rewards from a lost day. • Rewards will be sent by mail when you click on the current day. • Make sure to claim your rewards everyday before the event ends.
    [GM]Crocco 0조회 2025.03.20 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Rascal Rabbit's Premium Treasure Box 이미지

    [Event] 1. Soul of Rascal Rabbits will drop at a certain percentage if you hunt monsters in the world map. 2. It can be used to level up the ‘Rascal Rabbit’s Premium Treasure Box’. You can level the treasure box up to level 15 with the items. If you don’t have enough items, you can use Rubies to level up. Remaining Soul of Rascal Rabbits can be sold at shops later. 3. You will receive rewards every time you level up the box and more rewards can be obtained after purchasing the Rascal Rabbit's Rare Treasure Box. [Important] • Event period: From March 13th (After maintenance) ~ April 23rd (23:59) UTC +7
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.13 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Rascal Rabbit's Treasure Box Event 이미지

    [Event] 1. Soul of Rascal Rabbits will drop at a certain percentage if you hunt monsters in the world map. 2. It can be used to level up the ‘Rascal Rabbit’s Treasure Box’. You can level the treasure box up to level 20 with the items. If you don’t have enough items, you can use Rubies to level up. Remaining Soul of Rascal Rabbits can be sold at shops later. 3. You will receive rewards every time you level up the box and more rewards can be obtained after purchasing the Rascal Rabbit's Rare Treasure Box. [Important] • Event period: From March 13th (After maintenance) ~ April 23rd (23:59) UTC +7
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.13 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Hot Time 이미지

    [Event] We will be having Hot Time for 7 Days! What is Hot Time? Its a time limited event that provides benefits~ [Important] • Event period: March 13th (after maintenance) - March 19th 23:59:59 UTC +7 [New] Buff Type: Exp Up 30% Drop Rate Up 30% [Disclaimer] • Exp Up only affects obtained from Bales • Drop Rate Up only affects obtained from Bales
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.13 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Everyday Mission Event 이미지

    [Event] You can get rewards by successfully completing missions everyday! [Important] • Event period: From March 13th (After maintenance) ~ March 19th (23:59) UTC +7
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.13 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Weekly Request Mission 이미지

    [Event] You can get rewards by successfully finishing the Weekly Request missions! [Important] • Event period: From March 13th (After maintenance) ~ March 19th (23:59) UTC +7 [Event Disclaimer] • It is necessary to log in every day, if you will not be able to make progress in the mission. • Changing characters also counts as a log in.
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.13 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Stay Online Event 이미지

    [Event] If you play the game for a specified amount of time everyday, you can claim rewards. [Important] • Event period: From March 13th (After maintenance) ~ March 19th (23:59) UTC +7 • Stay Online 10 minutes - Bale Sandwich (x1). • Stay Online 30 minutes - Bale Hamburger (x1). • Stay Online 60 minutes - Ooparts Summon Ticket (x1). [Event Disclaimer] • Make sure of exchange you rewards on a daily basis, otherwise the possibility of exchange them will be lost.
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.13 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • 7 Day Login Event 이미지

    [Event] Get rewards every day for 7 Days! If you attend every day, you can receive the rewards. [Important] • Event period: From March 13th ~ March 19th (23:59) UTC +7 You can obtain amazing rewards such as: - Day 1: Grape Juice Beverage (x2) - Day 2: Grape Soda (x2) - Day 3: Bale Hamburger (x1) - Day 4: Bale Sandwich (x1) - Day 5: HP Potion (L) (x150) - Day 6: MP Potion (L) (x150) - Day 7: Small Pet's Heart (x5) [Disclaimer] • Login rewards can be claimed by adventurers who log in every day. • If you miss one day, you will not be able to claim rewards from a lost day. • Rewards will be sent by mail when you click on the current day. • Make sure to claim your rewards everyday before the event ends.
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.13 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Defeat Field Boss Event 이미지

    [Event] You can get rewards by successfully completing missions! [Important] • Event period: The event resets at the beginning of each month.
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.06 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Spend Event 이미지

    [Event] If you spend a specified amount of rubies, you can receive items necessary for the game. [Important] Event period: From March 6th ~ April 16th 23:59 (UTC +7) • Spend 1,500 rubies - Heroic Combo EXP Scroll (x5) / Sapphire (x100) / Heroic Pet Food (x20). • Spend 5,000 rubies - Heroic Combo EXP Scroll (x10) / Sapphire (x250) / Heroic Pet Food (x50). • Spend 10,000 rubies - Heroic Combo EXP Scroll (x20) / Sapphire (x500) / Heroic Pet Food (x100). • Spend 15,000 rubies - Heroic Combo EXP Scroll (x30) / Sapphire (x1,000) / Heroic Pet Food (x200). • Spend 30,000 rubies - Heroic Combo EXP Scroll (x50) / Sapphire (x2,000) / Heroic Pet Food (x400). • Spend 50,000 rubies - Heroic Combo EXP Scroll (x70) / Sapphire (x3,000) / Ooparts Summon Achievement [Disclaimer] • Be sure to exchange your rewards before the event ends.
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.06 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Top Up Event 이미지

    [Event] If you purchase an specific amount of Ruby, you can claim rewards [Important] Event period: From March 6th ~ April 16th 23:59 (UTC +7) • Purchase 1,500 rubies - Legendary Pet Food (x20) / Sapphire (x250) / Small Pet's Heart (x10) • Purchase 5,000 rubies - Legendary Pet Food (x30) / Sapphire (x500) / Small Pet's Heart (x15) • Purchase 10,000 rubies - Legendary Pet Food (x50) / Sapphire (x1,000) / Big Pet's Heart (x1) • Purchase 15,000 rubies - Legendary Pet Food (x100) / Sapphire (x2,000) / Big Pet's Heart (x1) • Purchase 30,000 rubies - Legendary Pet Food (x150) / Sapphire (x3,000) / Big Pet's Heart (x2) • Purchase 50,000 rubies - Legendary Pet Food (x200) / Sapphire (x5,000) / Special Ooparts Chest ver.2 (x1) / Ooparts Summon Achievement Chest ver.3 (x2)
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.06 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Shiltz Pass Season 49 이미지

    [Event] Level up your Shiltz Pass by completing daily and season missions in order to unlock rewards! [Important] Event period: From March 6th ~ March 19th (23:59) UTC +7 Additional rewards can be unlocked if you acquire Rare Shiltz Pass and even more rewards if you acquire Legendary Shiltz Pass. [Disclaimer] • Normal rewards can be acquired by leveling up your Shiltz Pass. • Rare and legendary rewards can be unlocked by purchasing the corresponding Shiltz Pass and matching the Shiltz Pass's required level. • Reward will be sent by mail. • Make sure to claim your rewards before the event ends.
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.06 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Summon Rate Up Week 46 이미지

    [Event] Now it's your chance to get them, during the event, the pets and costumes displayed in the right side will have a increased rate to be summoned! [Important] • Event period: From March 6th (After maintenance) ~ March 19th UTC +7 [Event Disclaimer] • Once the event ends the rates will return to normal.
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.06 작성시간
    상세 페이지
  • Frangipani Petal Exchange Event 이미지

    [Event] Collect Frangipani Petals by hunting Bales and you can exchange it with special rewards! [Important] • Event period: From March 6th (After maintenance) ~ April 16th (23:59) UTC +7
    [GM]Doctor Doo 0조회 2025.03.06 작성시간
    상세 페이지