Game Guide

Game Guide


[GM]Tarantula 2023.01.12(Thu) 17:40


Check acquired items on your bag. You can open the bag to equip gears or use items.

Tap the bag icon in the upper right corner of the screen to open the bag.

1. You can check the equipped gear.
2. You can check and verify the items in your bag in the Weapons / Armor / Accessories / Ooparts / Consumables /

Quest Items tabs.
3. You can check the current and maximum capacity of the bag. Also you can expand the bag by tapping [+] button.
4. Select ‘Auto equip’ to use the equipment automatically.
5. The equipment can be disassembled.
6. You can sort items. 

1. Tap the lockbutton to lock the equipment. When the equipment is locked, the item cannot be used for
enhancement or dismantling.
  - If you select the ‘Share’ button, you can share the item’s information in the chat window.

  - If you select the ‘Details’ button, you can check the detailed information such as equipment restrictions, whether it's tradeable, etc.
2. Select the ‘Manage’ button to enhance or forge the equipment.
3. In the case of equipped gear, you can unequip it by tapping the ‘Unequip’ button. The available gear now will have an ‘Equip’ button instead of a ‘Unequip’ button. 

1. Consumables can be used by selecting the ‘Use’ button. Multiple items can also be used at once by tapping the ‘Use All‘ use’ button.


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