Game Guide

Game Guide


[GM]Tarantula 2023.01.13(Fri) 10:27


At level 23, you can go on a fishing quest from NPC “Contigo” and use the bottom left button to fish.

※ Precautions when using fishing

1. In order to start fishing, there must be no other objects around the character.
2. If you are attacked while fishing, you will not fight back, and when your health reaches zero, your fishing will stop.

3. You can't fish while you are at a party.

1. Equip the fishing rod you want to use. The better the rod, the shorter the fishing time will be.
2. Equip the bait you want to use. The better the bait, the higher the chances to obtain a better reward will be.
3. Equip the fishhook. Automatic fishing proceeds when a hook is equipped.
  - Automatic fishing will continue until all hooks are spent.
4. Tap the button to start fishing.
  - When manual fishing, tap the button to play a fishing mini-game.
5. You can check the results obtained as you go fishing.
6. You can end fishing with the back button.

If you complete the minigame during manual fishing, you can get results.

1. When you touch the button, the position of the fish shifts slightly to the right.
2. Keep the fish positioned in the light blue area.
3. If the fish leaves the light blue zone, the fishing line's health will decrease, and if it runs out of health, the fishing will fail.
4. If the health doesn't reach 0 during the time limit, you will successfully catch the fish.


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