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[Notice] Developer Notes

[GM]Bereth 2023.11.16(Thu) 07:47

Dear adventurers,

This is Sang-Wook Woo, Producer of the Seal M development team.

I would like to briefly introduce the contents of the November update.

This update may seem less voluminous than previous updates. However, a PVP arena and level expansion are being prepared to be released in December, so please enjoy this update and look to December update.
Now I'll introduce what adventurers are looking forward to or are interested in.

1. Community costume revealed (Costume Design Contest Event)
The costume d by adventurer XLN will be revealed.
The name of this costume is ‘Fiery Blossom’ and it is scheduled to be released as a legendary costume.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to adventurer XLN for the wonderful design.

2. Improved equipment enhancement effects
- In order to capture the essence of Seal Online as much as possible, the enhancement effects of the equipment have been improved so that you can boast the uniqueness of top 15 equipment.
- The enhancement effect below is the effect when level 15 is equipped.

*This feature is under development and is subject to change.

3. New Appraise Option Lock Function
- Now you can lock appraise options with “Appraisal Option Lock“.
- Use lock items to items with the best options.

*This feature is under development and is subject to change.

4. New fish codex
- Adventurers, who is the world's greatest fishing fanatic?
- From now on, you will be able to distinguish between the sizes of fish, so you can see how small or large is the fish you caught.
- Also, it is said that a large fishing competition will be held in the world of Shiltz in the near future, so we recommend that you practice in advance to catch not just rare but also big fish.

*This feature is under development and is subject to change.

5. Couple random match function added
- I think this is the best news for adventurers who have had difficulty forming a couple.
- You can no longer wander around looking for your destined partner, but can now easily find other like-minded adventurers on the bulletin board.
- If that’s too much of a hassle, how about a random confession?

6. Piar of Lovebirds pet added to couple store
- In order to more long-lasting couples in the world of Shiltz, we have prepared a gift for couple adventurers.
- The abilities of the Pair of Lovebirds pet type are max hp and magic damage resistance, and it has a third skill that increases HP potion recovery amount.

7. Daily dungeon changed to single dungeon
- The daily dungeon that used to be played with a party has been changed to be a solo dungeon, allowing you to enjoy the daily dungeon without waiting for a party.
- Also, Bale's level and abilities have been lowered to suit the solo dungeon, so please enjoy it.

In addition, we are preparing to improve various convenience functions, such as improving the fishing cancellation method, changing the character order in character selection window, added additional hot buttons to access Friend List and Couple menu, and improving the buff display.

I will conclude this development note by revealing the entrance cutscene to the PVP arena that I mentioned in the last developer's note.

We have prepared the items below to help you explore the Shiltz continent.
Be sure to enter the coupon code “DEVCOUPON11” and receive the rewards below.
thank you.

Coupon code: DEVCOUPON11
Coupon expires on: 12/16 23:59 UTC+7
Coupon contains:

- HP Potion (M) x 1,000
- MP Potion (M) x 1,000
- Winter's Special Coupon x 5
- Fast Travel Ticket x 5
- Sapphire x 2000


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