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News & Updates

[Patch Note] November 29th

[GM]Doctor Doo 2023.11.29(Wed) 10:10

Dear adventurers!

The following has been conducted during our regular maintenance on November 29th

All server stabilization and optimization conducted during the maintenance.

[New Events]

[Start] 4 Week Check-in

For more details: Click Here
[Start] Everyday Mission Event
For more details: Click Here
[Start] Stay Online
For more details: Click Here

[Finished Events]

[Event End] 7 Day Check-In Event
[Event End] 7 Day Check-In Event (Return Users)
[Event End] Welcome Back Daily Mission Event
[Event End] Welcome Back Weekly Mission Event
[Event End] 4 Week Check-in

[Start] Food Buff Package
[Start] Pet Food Set A
[Start] Pet Growth Set A
[Start] Ooparts Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
[[Start] Costume Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
[Start] Accessory Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
[Start] Equipment Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
For more details: Click Here

[Sale End] Ruby 50% discount end
[Sale End] Black Friday Pet Summon Ticket
[Sale End] Black Friday Costume Summon Ticket
[Sale End] Black Friday Ooparts Summon Ticket
[Sale End] Black Friday Appraise Ticket Gacha Chest
[Sale End] Costume Destruction Protection Crystal
[Sale End] Accessory Destruction Protection Crystal
[Sale End] Ooparts Destruction Protection Crystal
[Sale End] Equipment Destruction Protection Crystal
[Sale End] Selective Package


Appraise Option Lock changes
• Tradable -> Untradable

Please know that all new events and sales start on November 30th

We would like to notify all adventurers of issues that have been found during the maintenance:

1. Blue Marble issue

•    If you roll a dice, change to another server and try to claim the reward you will be disconnected.


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