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News & Updates

[Update] Store

[GM]HellDog 2024.05.16(Thu) 10:42


New items are now available at the store!

All packages/Items will be available only during the event period:

Event period: From May 16th (After maintenance) ~ May 22nd (23:59) UTC +7


Luxurious Pet Package
• By purchasing it you will get 2,800 Mileage.

• You can purchase 1 time per server daily.

Heart Package
• By purchasing it you will get 2,500 Mileage.

• You can purchase 3 times per server daily.

Exquisite Arcane Stone Special Package
• By purchasing it you will get 5,000 Mileage.

• You can purchase 10 times per server.

Bingo Key
• This item will be available in the store until May 29th.


• You can purchase 30 times per server daily.

[Mileage Shop]


New items are now available at the mileage store!

Exquisite Arcane Stone Select Box
• You can choose Exquisite Arcane Stone you want

Clear Stone

• A gemstone whose pale blue light is dazzling from any angle.
• Used as an Arcane Stone enhance material when dismantled.

[Enhance Shop]


New items are now available at the enhance store!

Arcane Stone Select Box
• You can choose Arcane Stone you want.

• You can purchase 30 times per server.


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