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[Notice] RMT Activities (2nd Notice) N New

[GM]PapaBear 2024.07.03(Wed) 12:59

Dear Adventurers,

We have an important update regarding the recent RMT (Real Money Trading) issue. Please review the following information carefully:

1. We have banned accounts involved in ruby abuse and are continuing our investigation.

2. Some regular users may have been inadvertently banned due to the circulation of fake rubies. If you believe you were wrongly banned and are not involved in any abusive activities, please submit an official customer support ticket. We will review the logs and assist with the unbanning process.

3. Please remember that the official way to purchase rubies is through the in-game shop or via Razer's third-party purchase service.

4. Be aware that both sellers and buyers of fake rubies will be considered abusers. A RMT ruby purchases as they are often linked to fake rubies and fraudulent activities.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Seal M Team.


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