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[Notice] Developer Notes

[GM] Gun 2024.09.02(Mon) 17:10

Dear Adventurers,

This is Sang-Wook Woo, Producer of the Seal M development team.

It’s been a while since our last Dev Notes.

Since our Launch your continuous support, feedback, and sometimes even reprimands mean a lot to us and helps us shape the game for the better.

However we are very sorry that the adventures experienced throughout Shiltz have not been always satisfactory and we deeply regret not being able to fully repay your support.

We are deeply grateful to all adventurers who still love Seal M and we plan to do our best to provide you with new and enjoyable experiences with future contents, without further ado lets proceed with the Dev Notes for this 2nd half of the year!

Now let’s get to business and let’s read what’s being prepared for the 2nd half of 2024

Guild Content
1. Research, Farms and Building

- New Guild Safe House content, “Research” and “Farms” are being developed.

The currently blocked areas in the Safe House will be opened with the upcoming update, and a farm area will be added where all guild members can farm and grow crops together.

*This content is under development and is subject to change.

Crops grown with your guildmates will be utilized for research, opening up opportunities to enhance existing buffs or research new ones.

In particular, the laboratory building appearance can be changed to the forms that the adventurer has unlocked, and special effects will be applied to certain buildings to benefit all guild members.

*This content is under development and is subject to change.

In addition, considering that the opening of guild content according to guild level delays the release of content or the lack of guild members to enjoy already unlocked content, we are planning to expand the maximum guild capacity and adjust guild experience.

The current Guild Safe House is mainly used as a space to enter the Guild Boss, but we are aware of the lack of other space utilization.

We are looking forward to the planned Guild Safe House content update to further enrich the activity space for guild members.

PVP Content
1. Rift 3 - Swamp of Revenge

Currently, Seal M's Rift content includes “Fragments of Chaos” and “Hall of Blood,” where many adventurers enjoy peaceful hunts or test their skills in fierce competition.
To freshen up these core pieces of content, we're working on a new Rift, “Rift 3: Swamp of Vengeance” (title under work).

Rift 3 is unique in that it begins in an open field, and the boss battle takes place indoors.
The boss is “Lucifer,” the main character of the seal with the same wings as the Ooparts of “Lucifer's Seal” that many adventurers have loved.

Lucifer has a human form and will have a more dynamic battle pattern that is different from the previous Rift maps.

In addition, we've set development goals for Rift 3 that will allow for even higher levels of hunting, growth, and rewards.
Just as many adventurers and guilds left “Fragments of Chaos” and traveled to “Halls of Blood” in the past, we expect to see many adventurers and guilds move from Rift 2 “Halls of Blood” into Rift 3.

This move to a new realm will bring with it the thrill of exploring new territory, as well as dominating old territory.
We can't wait to see what's in store for adventurers, and we hope you're ready for the challenges ahead.

2.Cross-Server PVP Matching Content

Adventurers in SEA and other regions have been asking for cross-server matching system, and we've implemented the first phase and are currently in testing.
We're looking forward to seeing adventurers battle across servers, and we're working hard to make sure you enjoy it.

The cross-server PVP matching content that is currently in testing will be more thoroughly vetted and developed before we release a stable version.
We're also working on some new Arena content that will be more fun than just 1v1 matches, so stay tuned for that.

Adventurer Growth Content
1. Arcane Stone Enhancement

The Sage's Tower will continue to add more floors in the future.
However, we recognize that many Adventurers are struggling to break through the highest floors of the Sage Tower with the current growth content.

To resolve this, we're working on new progression content that will use Arcane Stones, which are constantly available in the Sage Tower, to help you become stronger.
We hope this new content will provide Adventurers with even more powerful challenges and growth.

2. Title System
Until now, the Adventurers at the top of each ranking have had a hard time fully expressing their rank.
The title system we're currently working on will allow you to show off your majestic aura as a top ranker adventurer through stat and appearance effects.

We're working on a title system that will be divided into two types of titles: those that anyone can earn through hard work and those that can be earned through competition.
We're also planning to make it possible to earn titles with additional stat and visual effects.

*This content is under development and is subject to change.

3. New stats addition
As we continue to expand our top content, we recognize the need for a growth path for Adventurers to keep up.
As a result, we've decided Adventurers should be able to grow beyond just the Bale or bosses that are added, and we're currently working on new stats for PVE and PVP.
We're working on new PVE stats that will help you fight the hardest field boss to date, “Diana,” and other upcoming content.
In addition, new PVP stats are also in the works, and we plan to utilize them effectively in Arena content, so stay tuned.
The majority of the above content will be available in the September update. We'll do our best to make it the best gift for adventurers who have been waiting.

Other upcoming content

There are many other content improvements and additions in the works. We'll be rolling these out to Adventurers over time after the aforementioned updates are complete.

We have many other content improvements and additions in the works.
These contents will be sequentially presented to adventurers after the previously introduced update is completed.

1. Sage's Tower Party Mode
As we mentioned earlier with the Arcane Stone enhancements, the Sage Tower will continue to add more floors in the future, and each new floor will be increasingly challenging.
However, we realize that many Adventurers are not yet able to access the higher floors.

That's why we're introducing a Sage Tower Party mode so you can get help from stronger Adventurers, or work together with your friends to challenge higher floors and earn rewards.

In addition to party mode, we're also working on a save mode feature that will allow you to start from a specific floor even if the season starts anew. We're hoping this will help alleviate the fatigue of climbing the Sage's Tower that many adventurers experience.

2. End Game Content of Party Dungeons
The new content we're working on for the end game content of the party dungeon is a content that focuses on the adventurers working together to defend against all the Bale and bosses that exist in Shiltz.
This content has been on our development list for a long time, so we're making sure it's well-prepared and ready to give adventurers the best experience possible

3. Guild Wars
Guild Wars content is one of the most anticipated features that many adventurers have been waiting and asking for across all Seal M services and regions.
This content is planned to be a showdown between the strongest guilds on all servers.
However, in order to prove which guild is the strongest, you'll need to fulfill special requirements to participate in Guild Wars, making it a challenge that will require true skill and strategy.
As for any other content in the works, we'll be happy to announce it as soon as we have enough information to share.

We are working even harder to repay the support of adventurers.

We have prepared the following rewards for adventurers to have easier time exploring Shiltz.

Dev team's Thanks Coupon : DEVCOUPON24

- HP Potion (L) x 2,000

- Large Pumpkin Potion (L) x 2,000

- Winter's Special Coupon x 100

- Fast Travel Ticket x 100

- Sapphire x 2,000

The coupon will be available until 9/9 23:59 (UTC+7)
We hope you have wonderful adventures in Shiltz.

Best Regards,
Seal M Team


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