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News & Updates

[Patch Notes] September 19th N New

[GM]HellDog 2024.09.19(Thu) 10:40

The following has been conducted during our regular maintenance on September 19th


All server stabilization and optimization conducted during the maintenance.

[Start] 7 Day Login Event
For more details: Click Here
[Start] Stay Online
For more details: Click Here
[Start] Hot Time (EXP & SS UP)
For more details: Click Here
[Start] Weekly Mission Event
For more details: Click Here
[Start] Everyday Mission Event
For more details: Click Here

[Event End] 7 Day Login
[Event End] Stay Online
[Event End] Hot Time
[Event End] Dungeon Entrance x2

[Start] Costume Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
[Start] Equipment Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
[Start] Exquisite Arcane Stone Special Package
[Start] Heroic Pet Food Random Chest
For more details: Click Here

[Start] Shiltz Pass Season 37
For more details: Click Here

[End] Legendary Head Costume Selection Chest
[End] Legendary Top Costume Selection Chest
[End] Legendary Bottom Costume Selection Chest
[End] Legendary Shoes Costume Selection Chest
[End] Mythic Head Costume Selection Chest
[End] Mythic Top Costume Selection Chest
[End] Mythic Bottom Costume Selection Chest
[End] Mythic Shoes Costume Selection Chest
[End] Ooparts Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
[End] Accessory Destruction Protection Crystal Gacha Chest
[End] Sarah's Costume Summon Set
[End] Vivi's Pet Summon Set
[End] Ruby x300
[End] Ruby x1000
[End] Ruby x1500
[End] Ruby x2000
[End] Ruby x2500
[End] Ruby x5000
[End] Ruby x10000
[End] Ruby x20000
[End] Shiltz Pass Season 36


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