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News & Updates

[Patch Note] May 26th

[GM]Bereth 2023.05.26(Fri) 11:36

Dear adventurers!

The following has been conducted during our emergency maintenance on May 26th.

1. Shiltz Pass Issue hotfix
   1-1. All missions are reset (Daily mission, Season mission)
   1-2. The Shiltz Pass level is set to:
          Level 4 For users who logged in during May 25th
          Level 0 for users who did not log in during May 25th
   1-3. Purchased Premium Shiltz Pass is maintained.

2. Guarder UI display issue hotfix
Guarder Display Size issue has been fixed in the Guarder UI.

3. Shop tooltip display hotfix
Missing text display from Shop items has been Fixed.

4. Server optimization.

5. There is an issue with the Guild Ranking Display
We are currently looking into this issue and will try to fix it as soon as possible

6. Stay Online event canceled.
We apologize for the inconveniences, please use the coupon below to claim the rewards.

Rare Pet Food x50
Rare Guarder EXP Scroll x50
Rare Combo EXP Scroll x50
Hourglass x10

Until 6/2 23:59 UTC+7

Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Seal M Team


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