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News & Updates

[Patch Note] August 24th

[GM]HellDog 2023.08.24(Thu) 10:13

Dear adventurers!

The following has been conducted during our regular maintenance on August 24th.


All server stabilization and optimization will be conducted during the maintenance.


[Start] Stay Online
For more details: Click Here

[Start] Top Up
For more details: Click Here

[Start] Spend Event
For more details: Click Here

[End Event]

[End Event] 7 Day Check-In Event


[Start] Pet Growth Set A
[Start] Equipment Level Protection Crystal
[Start] Accessory Level Protection Crystal
[Start] Costume Level Protection Crystal
[Start] Ooparts Level Protection Crystal
[Start] Equipment Destruction Protection Crystal
[Start] Accessory Destruction Protection Crystal
[Start] Costume Destruction Protection Crystal
[Start] Ooparts Destruction Protection Crystal
For more details: Click Here

[End] 100 Day Anniversary Pet Summon Ticket
[End] 100 Day Anniversary Costume Summon Ticket
[End] 100 Day Anniversary Ooparts Summon Ticket
[End] 100 Day Anniversary Appraise Ticket Gacha Chest
[End] 100 Day Anniversary Gacha Chest


• Fixed the coldown reduction effect of certain skills of the Jester, Mage & Priest classes.

• Fixed the issue where the touch function did not work when the player tapped the world chat bubble.
• Fixed issue where bales with ranged attacks changed to melee attacks.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Seal M Team


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