Game Guide

Game Guide

Eco Fan

[GM]Bereth 2023.11.01(Wed) 14:23

Eco Fan

In order to collect “Eco Fan’s Fruit” from an Eco fan, adventurers must find a map to the corresponding Eco Fan otherwise they will be unable to pick up the “Eco Fan’s Fruit”.
“A Wet Sealed Eco Fan’s Map” can be acquired through the methods below:

1. How to proceed with the ‘Ecofan’s Map’ quest

One "[Eco Fan's Map]" can be obtained through [NPC Johann]'s quest.

[Eco Fan's Map introduction Quest]
Quest Name: Hidden Fan

Quest Level Requirement: 12 or higher
Quest NPC: Johann

Upon completing the quest, you can obtain the "A Wet Sealed Eco Fan's Map" as a reward. You can open the item to acquire the "Eco Fan's Map."

2. You can Obtain the [A Wet Sealed Map of Echo Fan] while hunting bales or while Fishing with certain baits.

3. Once you have it, open your inventory, select the item, and tap "Use."

4. Using the sealed map will reward you with a [Eco Fan Map].

5. Next, tap on "Read More" to reveal the location of the Eco Fan.

6. A message will appear showing you:

1. The region map with the designated location to find the Eco Fan.

2. A marker pinpointing the exact spot where you can look for the Eco Fan.
3. A message that reminds you that the location marked will have a duration of 1 hours and up to 3 active marked echo fans.

7. When you reach the indicated map, you can find within the marked area the following:

8. Click on the hand icon to claim your reward.

9. You will receive a confirmation message about acquiring the reward.

10. Go to your bag, where you will find the obtained reward, an “Ecofan’s Fruit” that can be exchanged with NPC Angelina.

11. Once you have enough “Eco Fan’s Fruit”, visit Madelein and approach NPC Angelina:

12. With the help of Angelina you can craft “Shining Star”. You need three different items in order to craft it, one of which is 3 Eco Fan’s Fruit.

13. Finally, visit the new NPC Eco to craft various items with “Shining Star”:

14. After visiting NPC Eco, you will discover the list of items available for exchange.

Additional information:
1. You can’t pick up Eco fan fruits without obtaining the map for the corresponding Eco fan.
2. You can pick a fruit from the same eco fan if you get a map that provides the marking for a previously picked up eco fan.

Happy Treasure Hunting Adventurers!


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