Game Guide

Game Guide


[GM]HellDog 2023.04.25(Tue) 23:16


1. You can check character’s level, combat power, HP and MP. Tap on the character’s portrait to see your stats.

2. You can see your actual currency.
3. You can go to the shop, summon, mail, bag, mission and you can open the whole menu.
4. You can see your current quests, party, and nearby targets.
5. You can see the mini map, change channels, and return to town. Tap the mini map to open the world map.

6. You can swap your HP/MP potions and Consumable Items to use them automatically.
7. "Auto Battle" can be turned on/off.
8. You can launch attacks or use combos.

9. You can change the combo to manual mode.

10. You can check the skills registered in “Quick Slot”.
11. You can get on or off the guarder.

12. You can go fishing.

13. You can sleep and recover HP and MP points.

14. You can change your camera view.

15. You can invite/whisper/add friends.

16. You can check couple UI
17. You can open the chat window.
18. Tap to automatically move to where each NPC is located.


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