Game Guide

Game Guide


[GM]HellDog 2023.04.26(Wed) 06:08


Select the portrait in the upper left corner of the screen to check the character information.

1. You can check various information such as character name, current level, and combat power.

If you tap on the 'Magnifier' button from fame, you can check the current Fame stats and detailed information for each Fame level.

2. You can check the stats of your character.

- Points earned by leveling up can be distributed to the desired stats.
- Tap the 'Magnifier' button to see the stats description.
- If you tap on the 'Ability' button, you can check the detailed stats of the character.
- If you tap on the 'Reset' button, you can reset the stats distributed by consuming 1 'Raziel's Tears’.
- Select 'Auto Distribution' to automatically distribute stats corresponding to your job.


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