News & Updates
[End] Maintenance (August 24th, 08:30 to 13:00 UTC+7)
Greetings adventurers!
The regular maintenance on our servers has ended.
August 24th, from 08:30 AM to 13:00 PM (UTC+7)
All server stabilization and optimization will be conducted during the maintenance.
[Event End] 7 Day Check-In Event
[Sale End] 100 Day Anniversary Pet Summon Ticket
[Sale End] 100 Day Anniversary Costume Summon Ticket
[Sale End] 100 Day Anniversary Ooparts Summon Ticket
[Sale End] 100 Day Anniversary Appraise Ticket Gacha Chest
[Sale End] 100 Day Anniversary Gacha Chest
For more information please read our Patch Notes.
Thank you all for your patience.
Seal M Team
News & Updates Post Status
[Notice] Maintenance December 19th from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (UTC+7) 이미지 NNew
[Notice] Rascal has come by and left a surprise for everyone~ 🎉✨ (12/18) NNew
[Notice] Rascal has come by and left a surprise for everyone~ 🎉✨ (12/17) NNew
[Notice] Rascal has come by and left a surprise for everyone~ 🎉✨ (12/16) NNew
[Notice] Emergency Maintenance December 12th (19:40 PM ~20:10 PM) 이미지 NNew